The rise in the intake of sugar is closely related to the rise in weight gain and obesity. Consumption of sugar in moderation, especially added sugars in processed foods and sugary drinks, can significantly contribute to increased calorie intake without contributing to any essential nutrients for the body. Here is how sugar impacts weight gain.

1. High Caloric Density: Sweet foods and drinks usually have a very high number of calories, but they provide no nutrition. Such empty calories would not make you feel full, thus leading to overeating and higher intake of calories.

2. Insulin response: Sugars(sugar type) cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels, thus triggering the release of insulin, which is used to bond with the excess sugar from the blood, transporting it to body fat storage. This rapid rise and speculation of insulin over the years lead to fat build-up and gradual weight gain.

3. Craving and Indulgence: Sugar triggers the brain’s reward system, causing cravings and encouraging people to eat more than necessary. This is due to the fact that increasing pleasure makes it harder to resist food.

4. Hidden Sugars: Many processed foods actually contain hidden sugars, even those that don’t taste sweet. All of these could add up to an overall intake of sugar any unsuspecting person wouldn’t know of, making it more difficult to manage weight.

To a great extent, keeping the sugar intake low and being aware of hidden sugars in everyday foods is a major method used to manage weight and health. Eating whole and unprocessed foods coupled with the restriction of sugary beverages helps control calorie input and thus maintaining a good weight.

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